Come join the annual open house for visitors at the Tennessee Central Railway Museum on Saturday, March 29!
The history of Nashville and its success can, in part, be attributed to railroads, especially as they replaced steamboats. The “iron horse” helped Nashville thrive on a large-scale in flour milling, hardwood lumber products, passenger transportation, and in many other ways. Come ponder our history, industrial might, and the collection that has been put together by enthusiastic TCRM volunteers. Included will be a look at the restoration of a magnificent steam engine, the “576,” formerly at Centennial Park. TCRM also has a passenger train open and serving lunch, as well as a great model train display to admire. Railroad enthusiasts will be there to show visitors around and answer questions.
To learn more about TCRM visit their website at
Please note: you must be a current HNI member to go on this tour. You can renew your membership here:
If you are unsure of your membership status, please email Attendees with lapsed or no memberships will be billed.
Due to limited capacity at the venue, this is a free but ticketed event for HNI members. We are running two groups: one at 9:30 am and one at 10:30 am.