
GREAT NEWS! Today, the Historic Nashville board of directors voted unanimously to create a Preservation Revolving Fund with an initial donation of $5,000! Nashville will now join cities such as Savannah, New Orleans, Charleston, Boston, Pittsburgh, Knoxville, and Chattanooga in offering this powerful preservation tool.
A Preservation Revolving Fund acquires endangered historic properties through donation, options, or outright purchase. The fund then markets the property locally and nationally to find a buyer who agrees to preserve it. Before resale, an easement will be placed on the property to ensure it will never be demolished.
We are currently in the process of adding information about the Preservation Revolving Fund to our website, which will have the ability to accept online donations. We are also participating in the upcoming#GivingTuesday on December 2, a global day dedicated to giving back, which will provide our friends and members an opportunity to contribute to the fund. Learn more at www.givingtuesday.org.
More details about our Preservation Revolving Fund are forthcoming, but for now we wanted you to know we are taking ACTION to save the historic places that make Nashville unique. By making a donation to this fund, YOU can DO something to help stop the demolition of historic places in Nashville!
If you wish to find out more or make a donation, you can contact us at (615) 669-4503 or info@historicnashvilleinc.org. Or feel free to drop a check in the mail to Historic Nashville, Inc., P.O. Box 190516, Nashville, TN 37219. Spread the word!